Policies & Procedures

Crowning Glory Ltd


We value your custom and ask you to respect our policy, we require a minimum of 48hrs notice for the cancellation of an appointment so we have time to offer the appointment to someone else.

Late cancellations will be charged 50% of the appointment cost. Repeat offenders can be charged up to the full cost of the appointment, this will be charged at our discretion.

Please understand this measure is simply to protect our business and our self-employed staff.

We thank you for your understanding, 

Crowning Glory team X


For any appointments for the value of £100 and over we will request a 20% Non-refundable deposit to secure the appointment.


Crowning Glory LTD – 01-07-2021


Crowning Glory LTD  is committed to the protection of all personal and sensitive data for which it holds responsibility as the Data Controller and the handling of such data in line with the data protection principles and the Data Protection Act (DPA).

Changes to data protection legislation shall be monitored and implemented in order to remain compliant with all requirements.

The member(s) of staff responsible for data protection are: Samantha Moore and Jodie Moore

The Salon is also committed to ensuring that its staff are aware of data protection policies, legal requirements and adequate training is provided to them.

The requirements of this policy are mandatory for all staff employed by the salon and any third party contracted to provide services within the salon.



Our data processing activities will be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as required of a recognised Data Controller. Details are available from the ICO:


Changes to the type of data processing activities being undertaken shall be notified to the ICO and details amended in the register.

Breaches of personal or sensitive data shall be notified immediately to the individual(s) concerned and the ICO.



All data within the salon’s control shall be identified as personal, sensitive or both to ensure that it is handled in compliance with legal requirements and access to it does not breach the rights of the individuals to whom it relates.

The definitions of personal and sensitive data shall be as those published by the ICO for guidance: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/key-definitions/

The principles of the Data Protection Act shall be applied to all data processed:

1. Processed fairly and lawfully

2. Obtained only for lawful purposes, and is not further used in any manner incompatible with those original purposes

3. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date,

4. Adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is processed

5. Not kept for longer than is necessary for those purposes

6. Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the DPA

7. Protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage

8. Not transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection of the personal information



We shall be transparent about the intended processing of data and communicate these intentions via notification to staff and clients prior to the processing of individual’s data.

Notifications shall be in accordance with ICO guidance and, where relevant, be written in a form understandable by individuals under the legislation.


The intention to share data relating to individuals to an organisation outside of our salon shall be clearly defined within notifications and details of the basis for sharing given. Data will be shared with external parties in circumstances where it is a legal requirement to provide such information.

Any proposed change to the processing of individual’s data shall first be notified to them.



In order to assure the protection of all data being processed and inform decisions on processing activities, we shall undertake an assessment of the associated risks of proposed processing and equally the impact on an individual’s privacy in holding data related to them.

Risk and impact assessments shall be conducted in accordance with guidance given by the ICO:


Security of data shall be achieved through the implementation of proportionate physical and technical measures. Nominated staff shall be responsible for the effectiveness of the controls implemented and reporting of their performance.

The security arrangements of any organisation with which data is shared shall also be considered and these organisations shall provide evidence of the competence in the security of shared data.



All individuals whose data is held by us, has a legal right to request access to such data or information about what is held. We shall respond to such requests within 40 days and they should be made in writing to:  Samantha Moore or Jodie Moore

A charge may be applied to process the request.




Images of staff and clients may be captured at appropriate times and as part of promotional activities for use on our web site or social media, however permission will be obtained beforehand.



The salon recognises that the secure disposal of redundant data is an integral element to compliance with legal requirements and an area of increased risk.

All data held in any form of media (paper, tape, electronic) shall only be passed to a disposal partner with demonstrable competence in providing secure disposal services.

All data shall be destroyed or eradicated to agreed levels meeting recognised national standards, with confirmation at completion of the disposal process.

Disposal of IT assets holding data shall be in compliance with ICO guidance:



Here at Crowning Glory LTD (we, us, our) we are completely committed to maintaining the confidentiality and trust of all our clients and staff. With this in mind we do not sell, rent or trade your information with other companies or businesses for marketing purposes. This privacy policy details exactly what information we might hold when and why we collect it, how we use it, how we keep it secure and the limited conditions in which we may disclose it to others. We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, and hope that you reciprocate.

Our policy complies with UK law accordingly implemented, including that required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at www.knowyourprivacyrights.org

We hold this data and comply with the lawful reasons as stated below:

  • Necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests, rights or freedoms of the data subject
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract
  • Consent of the data subject


The types of information we collect to you are as follows:

  • Name
  • Contact number
  • Email address
  • Your personal record card

The reason we collect this information is to make your services with us the very highest quality ensuring we record details of previous services, test details and results and records of product purchase history.


When, why and how we collect and hold your information

We hold your contact details to ensure that if we need to change your appointment at any time we can let you know. We will collect your information at the time of booking your appointment or if we are checking our records you might be asked to confirm the information we hold.

We will never ask for information which is excessive, or which is not required.

We only use your information to contact you regarding an appointment, to notify you of any changes to ensure your day runs as smoothly as possible. We keep your personal data secure by storing it on a pass word protected software system, our staff have access it this, but all information is kept securely and our staff are fully trained on the importance of data protection.


Why we would share your information

We are subject to the law like everyone else. Sometimes, we must process your information in order to comply with a statutory obligation.

For example, we may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation such as a search warrant or court order.

This may include your personal information.


Information provided on the understanding that it will be shared with a third party

Our social media allows you to post information with a view to that information being read, copied, downloaded, or used by other people.

Examples include:

  • posting a message on one of our pages
  • tagging an image
  • clicking on an icon next to another visitor’s message to convey your agreement, disagreement or thanks

In posting personal information, it is up to you to satisfy yourself about the privacy level of every person who might use it We do not specifically use this information except to allow it to be displayed or shared.

Once your information enters the public domain, we have no control over what any individual third party may do with it. We accept no responsibility for their actions at any time.

Provided your request is reasonable and there is no legal basis for us to retain it, then at our discretion we may agree to your request to delete personal information that you have posted. You can make a request by contacting us at admin@crowninggloryltd.com



We invite our customers and staff to connect to our wifi free of charge, we do not collect any information in relation to this.


Job application and employment

If you send us information in connection with a job application, we may keep it for up to [three years] in case we decide to contact you at a later date.

If we employ you, we collect information about you and your work from time to time throughout the period of your employment. This information will be used only for purposes directly relevant to your employment. After your employment has ended, we will keep your file for [six years] before destroying or deleting it.


Use of services by children

We invite our customers and staff to connect to our wifi free of charge, we do not collect any information in relation to this.


Access to your personal information

Under the new GDPR guidelines you are of course very welcome at any time to view, amend or delete the personal information that we hold on you, simply email your request to our managers Jodie Moore or Samantha Moore at admin@crowninggloryltd.com and we will address your request as soon as possible. Please be aware that this could dramatically alter the level of service we can offer you.


Retention period for personal data

Except as otherwise mentioned in this privacy notice, we keep your personal information only for as long as required by us:

to provide you with the services you have requested;

to comply with other law, including for the period demanded by our tax authorities;

to support a claim or defence in court.


Review of this privacy policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time as necessary. The terms that apply to you are those stated here. We advise you to print a copy for your records.

If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.



In the unlikely event you need to make a complaint about your hair or the service you have received we welcome your views. We can assure you we take all complaints extremely seriously as your experience with us should always leave you happy and relaxed!

We do however have a procedure that needs to be followed. Please ensure you log your complaint with your stylist or either of the owners (Samantha Moore and Jodie Moore), your complaint can be made in person, over the phone or via e-mail but must be made with in 72 hours of your appointment. We will endeavour to rectify the situation satisfactorily ensuring we fully investigate the issue, if required we will invite you in to make any necessary adjustments to your hair or discuss a refund depending on the circumstances. Please note refunds are only offered after an investigation finding us at fault.

We will not accept complaints addressed to us after 72 hours of your appointment apart from in exceptional circumstances.

01327 300075


5 Bishops Court, Daventry
NN11 4NP